A Better, Stronger Epoxy Floor Alternative


Garage Force of Northwest Minnesota Owner


Scot Peck originally from Fargo ND, moved to his wife Jessica’s hometown of Perham with their 2 boys 3 years ago. As A family they take pride in the small town community and all that lakes country has to offer. In Scot’s free time he enjoys being outdoors hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and more with his son’s. Prior to Garage Force Scot worked in Agricultural drain tile & power plowing. After many years on the road leading a team of great individuals he decided he needed a change that allowed him to be home for his growing boys. Being a man who takes great pride in his home, Scot is passionate about assisting others to create their dream space starting from the ground up.

We proudly serve the Greater Northwest Minnesota area. Contact our team today for a quote or more information!

The benefits of a polyurea floor coating put traditional epoxy floors to shame. Not only are they higher-quality, more durable and way more damage-resistant, but polyurea floors also cure in a fraction of the time it takes an epoxy floor to cure.

We’ve spent years researching the benefits of polyurea technology, and today your local Garage Force expert is proud to offer this service to in your area. Our franchisees install our superior polyurea garage floor coating in over 3 dozen colors, helping you completely transform your garage.

Only polyurea floor-coating technology offers a granite-like look and durability that can be installed in just one day.

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